They are the longest-running game show hosts in American TV history. White and Sajak have hosted the syndicated Wheel of Fortune since its debut in 1983. Van Wagner’s credits include The Masked Singer, Holey Moley and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Ennis worked on the show as both director and technical director, dating back to 1992. I’m very happy to hear it and very happy I get to work with her.”Īdditionally, Alex Van Wagner has taken the directing reins of Wheel of Fortune following the retirement of longtime helmer Robert Ennis over the summer. “She’s beloved by this country and the viewers and I can’t even imagine standing next to her on that set being able to say, ‘OK, let’s get to it.’ It’s great news. “It’s super important to have Vanna White on Wheel of Fortune,” Seacrest added. I’ve been very excited to work with her but now that it’s official I can say, ‘Congratulations, Vanna.’ I can’t wait. “Vanna has been such a staple on that show and in our living rooms for so many years. “This is such great news,” Seacrest said in an interview with Willie Geist for NBC’s Sunday Today show.